disinfecting kitchen

The kitchen is a space that’s vulnerable to bacteria and viruses. Therefore, it’s essential to clean and disinfect all surfaces regularly and especially before preparing food for your family. 

Cleaning and disinfecting are two different approaches that you should do not only in your kitchen but in your entire house, especially with the threat of Coronavirus. First, cleaning is simply the act of removing food residue, grease, and bacteria on surfaces. On the other hand, disinfecting your kitchen or home means that you are killing almost all of the viruses and bacteria. Most of the time, disinfecting and sanitizing your home requires liquids or sprays solutions, such as chlorine bleach and water to clean surfaces. 


Clean Your Hands

The first thing that you should clean and disinfect before and after cooking meals is your hands. Always wash your hands before eating, before preparing meals, and after cleaning the prep area. 

Aside from this, when you’re outside the kitchen, make sure to wash your hands :

  • After using the bathroom;
  • After handling your pets or cleaning after them;
  • After caring for a sick person; and
  • Every time you think your hands are contaminated. 

Wash your hands with running water and soap. Make sure to wash all the surfaces from wrists, back of the hands, palms, fingers, and fingernails for 20 seconds. Rinse your and dry your hands thoroughly. 


Clean Your Floors

Most of the time, we focus cleaning on surfaces that we usually touch, and we neglect the floors. However, you can easily clean your floor with simple cleaning solutions, and here’s how:

  • For porcelain tile flooring, mop your floor with a mixture of ¼ cup of vinegar, 16 ounces of water, and drop of dish soap. Spray the solution and dry the surface with a microfiber mop. 
  • You can also clean vinyl floors by using the same solution we mentioned above. However, to deep clean your floor, make sure to use a steam cleaner to remove stains, especially on the grout. 


Disinfect Surfaces

Clean the surfaces in your kitchen, especially countertops and tables, by using a disinfectant spray like Lysol. To effectively clean surfaces, you should:

  1. Clear the surfaces and move the kitchen tools, plates, and cutleries on the countertop. 
  2. Spray the disinfectant spray on paper towels. 
  3. Wipe the surfaces on a sweeping motion and dispose of the towels properly. 


Dishrags, Towels, and Sponge

These items are highly contaminated and are often reused frequently in the kitchen. We also recommend that you avoid using a sponge in the kitchen and use dishcloths instead. Rinse the dishcloth and air dry it after every use. 

For towels, soak them on bleach solution for 10 minutes. Throw it in your washing machine and dry it afterwards. 


Don’t Forget Your Fridge

The fridge is another vital part of your kitchen because this is where you store the majority of your food. Therefore, ensure that your refrigerator is clean by cleaning it thoroughly on a regular basis. 

To thoroughly clean the inside and outside of the fridge, remove all the food and other items stored in the refrigerator. Wipe the surface of the refrigerator with a bleach solution and dry it with a microfiber cloth. Then, put the items back and check the labels and adequately dispose of rotten, moldy, or expired food items. 

Always remember that a quick surface swipe is not enough. You have to thoroughly clean and scrub nonporous surfaces until the surface is wet, and then you have to wipe it dry, too. 


Stay safe from COVID-19. Remember to always wash your hands with soap and water and sanitize with a trusty 70% alcohol!