Sustainable habits are essential for keeping the environment healthy. With mother earth suffering from too much pollution, the least we can offer is to do our part and cut back on our consumption. 

The kitchen is where most consumption and waste happen for resources like water, electricity, gas, and disposable items, and compostable waste. Not only will going green help save mother earth, but it will also help you save money in the long run. In this article, we’ll be discussing several steps you can take to go green in the kitchen.


Conserving Energy

It’s a given that conserving energy is an important step to take when going green, but how exactly do we do it? We can start cooking in batches and thawing meat in the fridge or outside to avoid using extra appliances like the microwave.

Matching the pot size and the burner allows for more efficient conduction of heat. Conversely, avoiding opening over doors while baking also minimizes lost heat. Although it doesn’t seem to be a massive step if done dedicatedly and daily, you’ll begin to see a decrease in energy consumption.


Inverter Appliances

Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, Washing Machines, and other appliances that can come in Inverter types must have in the kitchen and even throughout the household. They help save energy by eliminating unnecessary energy consumption by efficiently controlling motor speed once the temperature is maintained.


Fridge Efficiency

A very effective yet often overlooked way to cut energy costs is to maximize your refrigerator’s efficiency. Your fridge should be full but not stuffed to the point where the cold air will have trouble circulating.

Another way to maximize fridge efficiency is to not put hot food immediately inside the fridge. Instead, try to let it cool down naturally outside before putting it inside. Not only does this help not drop your fridge’s temperature, but it also avoids potentially spoiling your food.


Efficient Dishwashing

Sometimes hand washing utensils and dishes that we can instead of sticking them inside a dishwasher are better. Even if you don’t have many dishes, your dishwasher will likely be consuming the same amount of energy it will when it’s filled with words.

If you can’t help but use a dishwasher, use them only when you can run a full load. You can also skip the heated dry option that comes with most dishwashers by doing the dishes before sleeping so they’ll dry up by themselves by the morning.


Drop Unnecessary Packaging

Your vegetable doesn’t have to be shrink-wrapped at all times. Using reusable plastic or glass containers for a couple of carrots and cabbages is so much better than using cling wrap to wrap them for a couple of hours, disposing of them immediately after, never using them again.


Repurpose and Recycle

If one uses items like those jars that come free with your pickles, spaghetti sauce, or olives, don’t put them to waste by throwing them out. These jars are often glass, and they’re made to last. They’re also airtight, so you can use them to store other ingredients, or you can make your pickles.

If you’re not interested in using them as food containers, ideas like decorative jars, terrariums, or herbs in water can also be good options.


Reusable Containers

Glass or plastic containers with airtight lids are the best ways to store leftovers or prepared ingredients. They’re excellent at preserving food, and they help avoid single-use plastic.

Silicone bags and beeswax wrap are great reusable options for containers as they can be hand-washed and reused.



Going green is a fun and exciting decision. It helps you save the earth and cut costs at the same time. However, not everyone can immediately embrace such a lifestyle change.

It’s wonderful to start from small steps like saving water and energy. After all, a step in the right direction will always be a good step, no matter how small.